Re: Non-PK encryption not vulnerable via low key length?!

That Whispering Wolf... (
Thu, 16 Mar 1995 09:56:54 -0500 (EST)

> > Correct me if I am wrong - RC2 and RC4 are not public key cyrptosystems,
> > and hence are not "prone" to the problems with low moduli.
>    You are wrong.
>    If the key is only 128-bit, that's a much smaller keyspace to 
> brute-force attack than a 1024-bit key.
>    (do the math)

You add a qualifier here -- "brute force attack" -- that makes your statement
technichally correct, but misleading.

You generally see keyspaces of 1024 bits (etc) in public key cryptosystems
(RSA/PGP). You see 128-bit keysizes on traditional cryptosystems, like RC2,
RC4, IDEA (the -real- encryption in PGP), etc.

The problem here is that the best way to break a public-key cryptosystem
is _not_ by brute force. RSA gets it's strength from the fact that it's very
hard to factor a large number (1024 bits, for example) made up of two
multiplied large primes, into it's individual primes. To break RSA, you
'simply' have to factor the key, which is orders of magnitude faster than
a brute force attack on the system.

Large key sizes are required for public-key cryptosystems, because HUGE
advances are being made in number factoring. 1024-bit keys are still out
of reach, but for how long?

In the case of RC2 and RC4, the best (known -- Important word here) attack
is a brute force attack on the key -- something that is, for the moment,
prohibative.  Giveen huge advances in current technology, it'd still
take YEARS to crack -one- key.

Anyhow, bottom line is that saying "RSA with a 1024 bit key is more secure
than RC4 with a 128 bit key" is a bit silly -- You're comparing apples to 
oranges. Nobody's going to brute-force attack RSA, since there are much better
ways to crack the system.
